Gods of Jade and Shadow

by Silvia Moreno-Garcia finished March 23rd

Wow! I LOVED this book. Set in the jazz age in the Yucatan Peninsula, this book brings in Mayan mythology in a story set for adults.

One of the things I love about teaching fifth grade is being able to have an excuse to read fun middle grade novels, especially those that focus on mythology. It was really fun to have an adult version that in its own way seemed to be a spin on Cinderella.

Back in August my hubby and I went to Playa del Carmen and Tulum for our belated honeymoon. While there we were able to do tours of both Tulum and Chichen Itza, both of which blew our minds! It was thrilling to read a story that brought in the elements that we learned about through those tours.

The characters, the balance, and the duality of death were perfection. It was one of those books that I don't want to review too much because I do not want to spoil it for anyone else. Please do yourself a favor and pick this one up!

Reading Contests:

10 to Try:

Extreme Reader:

4- A book cover that has your favorite color on it

9- A book of your own choosing

27- A book that takes place in a magical world

33- A book with a heart, club, diamond, or spade shape on the cover