The Tattooist of Auschwitz
by Heather Morris finished March 28th
I currently have two books about Auschwitz checked out right now and after enjoying the hell out of the last Chloe Liese novel, I decided it was time for something a bit more somber.
This book was really hard to put down. I read until my husband was annoyed by the light and found myself pulling out my kindle with any free moment today.
This is based on the true story of Lale Sokolov, the tattooist of Auschwitz. It was a roller coaster of a ride, with him surviving and helping as many others as he was able.
I recommend this book and don't want to give away too much. There is another book in the series about a minor character, Silka.
Reading Contests:
10 to Try: None
Extreme Reader:
1- A book about a historical figure
5- A book cover that shows a person from behind
9- A book of your own choosing
45- A book written by an author whose last name is six letters or more